MyMedialogy: Hill Harper


I’m so angry this morning.  Like visibly angry.  I had to sit this morning, visit my favorite place in all the world, Facebook, and see a black male post a screenshot of the word immigrant, as if it gave credence and validity to the statements of the world’s dumbest brain surgeon, ol boy, HUD whatever the fuck.

Then, I overheard a lily white woman pontificate on whether or not Dumb Brain Surgeon meant the slaves were happy to come here or if my ancestors got happy once slavery ended and they could seek out new opportunities…as if the years since slavery have been lit.  Like we still ain’t fighting for the got damn right to vote……..and live.

As opportunity would have it, I fortuitously ran into someone I admire, Mr. Hill Harper this morning.  I had to pick his brain on the state of Black America and how we keep from going straight Mau Mau in these dangerous times in Porangetus’s Murrica.


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